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back to Cristina Vega Iglesias – France
The architects decided to rebuild the facades with local provider’s wood, by using wooden slats of 5 x 15 x 700 cm which control the solar exposure, and, thanks to their position and size, it works equally regulating thermal, and luminously the interior.
These slats are treated lengthwise, applying 8 different colors to them which decline the visible light spectrum, and leaving their narrow side naked, thus minimizing the surface that will darken over time. This solution creates plays between the colors, the reflections, and perspectives, changing the visual perception of the construction according to the observer’s displacements.
The external-colored appearance of the building contributes to visually simplify the inner space, resulting this one, functional and with clear visual axes; allowing occasionally, colored reflections in the inner play-spaces. The inside is completed by bespoke furniture set in local pine wood.
Location:FranceArchitect: Cristina Vega IglesiasArchitecture Office:Burlat & Vega ArchitectesLead Architects:Cristina Vega Iglesias & Stéphane BurlatClient: Community of municipalities of Grand Autunois MorvanPhotographer: Philippe Billard