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back to Lebriz Atan Karaatli – Turkey
The aim was to build a museum for Sinan on a piece of earth rich in geology, culture, and history, in ethnic geography, with the view of Mount Erciyes.
The “elevated earth crust” acts as a roof bearing the traces of the soil of the place where it is located, and can even provide its shape in this way defining a dramatic intermediate space between the ground and the sky, offering an opportunity to experience Mount Erciyes and the park from a different level.
It returns the space it occupies on the ground into a quality landscape on its roof for public use. Under the raised earth crust is a museum without walls.
The circulation line itself acts as an exhibition route and thanks to the open space layout, multi-purpose halls, workshop areas, classrooms, library, and cafeteria all enrich the exhibition inventory creating different experiences with different cross-sections.
Location:TurkeyArchitect: Lebriz Atan KaraatliArchitecture Office:Lebriz ATAN KARAATLI, Sacit Arda KARAATLI – KAAT Architecture + URBANDesign Team: Lebriz ATAN KARAATLI, Sacit Arda KARAATLIProject Team:Sena Şeyma Can, Berfu Oker, Sukan KÜLEKÇİ, Selami GÜREL, Tolga ÖNCÜLOĞLU, M. Ali KORKMAZClient: Kayseri Metropolitan MunicipalityPhotographer: KAAT Architecture + URBAN