back to Yago Vaillo Usón – Spain

back to Yago Vaillo Usón – Spain
The project is in a recently created neighborhood on the outskirts of Pamplona. The plot forms a square with the adjacent buildings. The regulations require two longitudinal blocks of different heights: 2B+7+A towards the street, and 2B+4+A towards the square. The regulations also impose a double-height porch towards the square, which the project resolves by means of a concrete portico, introducing an “institutional” scale to the project. The residential complex is resolved with scarce economic means, given that it contains social housing – Official Protection.
The volumetric arrangement is divided into two longitudinal blocks of different heights, leaving a central courtyard where the vertical communications and connections to the dwellings are located. The façades of the dwellings are resolved by means of terraces running along their entire length. These continuous exterior elements resolve the clotheslines, boilers, etc. by means of minimal gestures that camouflage them, giving a certain vibrancy to the whole.
The project attempts to simplify the regulatory complexity as much as possible by using practically a single material, profiled sheet metal. Emphasizing, therefore, the resulting volumetry in the manner of longitudinal extruded volumes. The bronze color, in contrast to the rotundity of the volumetry, creates a changing image that reacts in different ways depending on the sunlight and the cloudiness, which is very changeable in these latitudes.
Location:SpainArchitect: Yago Vaillo UsónArchitecture Office:Yago Vaillo + Antonio Vaillo + Juan L IrigarayLead Architects:Yago VailloContractor:QodaClient: YbomaPhotographer: Rubén Pérez Bescós