Christelle Gautreau France

Christelle Gautreau - France

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Bond Society is a multidisciplinary agency located in Brittany and the Paris area. Created by Christelle Gautreau and Stéphanie Morio, Bond Society is structured around four pillars representing their vision of architecture: Research, Conception, Construction, and Design. The agency has been rewarded with several international prizes and competitions, including Reinventing Cities. Their project scope goes all around France, through diverse programs and scales. They defend mixed use, convinced that it plays an important role in our society’s emulation. They work on a wide range of projects, from new buildings to rehabilitation of existing buildings, having a strong belief that it can be the first sustainable step we can take: helping to transform the "already-there". Their work is based on two commitments: Use transition and ecological transition. They are convinced architects in 2022 have a responsibility to design a city pushing toward carbon neutrality and towards a fairer, inclusive, resilient, and equitable city.

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