20542-TUR-Altug Bilge

Bilge Altuğ - Turkey

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Bilge is a Turkish architect and co-founder of 9016, born in 1984, in Ankara. She earned her bachelor’s degree at Yıldız Technical University in 2007, ranking third among her peers. Between 2008 and 2013, she carried out projects of different scales at offices she contributed to. Since 2011, she has gathered awards in both national and international competitions with different teams.She also has been committed as a design studio lecturer at Yıldız Technical University since 2017. Maintaining her professional practice at 9016, which she co-founded with Mehmet Metin Polat, she aims to keep designing buildings of various typologies and scales, in a progressive manner.9016 is an Istanbul-based architecture and design studio established by Mehmet Metin Polat and Bilge Altug in 2011. Within its practice, 9016 seeks to design spaces in reference to their locality and user(s), by forming a pure, plain architectural language. The studio works to create new ideas on various building typologies and categories while providing project management and construction services in addition to preparing all design stages. Since its foundation, 9016 has been awarded several times and continues to participate in national and international competitions.

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