Europe 40 Under 40® Awards

Selecting Europe's Most Promising Young Architects and Industrial Designers for 2024 – 2025

The deadline for the 2024-2025 program is December 15th, 2024.

Apply for the Award

The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design are pleased to announce the initiation of selection of this year’s most promising and emerging design talents in Europe.

Forty architects and industrial designers will be selected this year by a jury of architecture and design practitioners, academics and publishers invited by The European Centre’s advisory committee.

The program is initiated to spotlight and identify the next generation of architects and industrial designers who will impact future living and working environments, while providing an insight of the architectural and design scene in Europe.

The program is open to architects, landscape architects, interior design architects, urban planners and industrial designers, who are up to 40 years old. Europe 40 Under 40® is an annual awards program that celebrates the next new talented generation of European architects and designers. The program is directed to support new and emerging design talents that will influence the near future of European design, thinking, and theory with the direct consequence of impacting future environments and future European and international cities. The key is to bring wider recognition to 40 of the most promising emerging professionals working in the European Union and other countries inside Europe.

Award Categories

• For architectural projects (built or conceptual) may include residential, commercial, institutional, educational, civic, religious and transport buildings, urban planning, urban design, landscape architecture, interior architecture and industrial design.

• For  industrial design projects (manufactured or conceptual) may include furniture, appliances, utensils, accessories, tools, electronics etc.

Winners's Pack

Awarded architects and industrial designers will receive the Europe 40 Under 40® Awards Certificates.

Awarded architects and industrial designers may use the Europe 40 Under 40® Awards logo for marketing, merchandising, and promotional use by The European Centre for Architecture, Art, Design and Urban Studies.

Special newsletter of all award winners to our Museum Contacts.

Awarded architects and industrial designers bios and projects will be included in the edition entitled “Next New Talented Generation of European Architects & Designers” by Metropolitan Arts Press Ltd.

Official awards ceremony together with an architectural exhibition titled “40 Young European Architects with New Visions” of awarded projects will open in Athens in December of 2025 at European Centre-Contemporary Space Athens in Athens, Greece.

Jury Criteria

Projects are judged on the merit of design innovation with the emphasis of pushing the envelope beyond conventional methods and exploring new theories, ideas, and approaches to contemporary design. Additional criteria for evaluation include the use of the latest technologies, the investigation of new materials, the incorporation of energy conservation and environmental consciousness in design and a forward-thinking respect for green design as mandated by the European Union. The jury will select individual participants based on submitted work and the potential of their impact on the future of the profession.

Project Details and Material


All information submitted will be included in all online presentation, exhibition and Award publication catalogue. Please ensure that possible changes or mistakes according to credits, images and project description may incur costs. During your submission please advise all examples given in every section to ensure all credit details filled in correctly.

Project Description
All project descriptions should be edited in English, should be ready to use in any type of online presentation or publication and should not be more than 400-500 words. There is a specific text tab to include it when submitting so please do not forward it with email or any other way to us.

Project Images
1. ASPECT RATIO 16:9 (1920px Χ 1080px Landscape or Portrait).
2. ASPECT RATIO 1:1 (1080px X 1080px Square format).
You can upload images in mixed formats.
3. RESOLUTION: 300dpi/image, max 6MB per file.
The file names should use explicitly Latin characters. (Please upload 4-6 images)

• All images file names should use only Latin characters
• If you want to forward Plans/Sections/Elevations pdfs or more images for the jury procedure or blueprints please use the dropbox link to upload. Make sure your dropbox folder is public so we can have access.

Submission Requirements

Every year, architects, and industrial designers under the age of 40 (as of December 31, 2024) are invited to submit projects (built or unbuilt, manufactured, or conceptual) to be judged by a panel of distinguished architectural and design practitioners, developers, architectural journalists, educators, and critics.

Important Notice: Participants either working as individual practitioners or collaborating inside an established firm as the principal lead designer of the projects submitted, can only apply as individuals, no firms allowed.

In addition to all European Union member countries, architects and industrial designers from the following European nations are invited to participate: Either be a citizen of one of the 28 countries that are part of the European Union (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom) or be a citizen of Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canary Islands, Faeroe Islands, Georgia, Lichtenstein, North Macedonia, Iceland, Moldavia, Monaco, Montenegro, Norway, Russia, San Marion, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey and Ukraine.

Eligible architectural projects (built or conceptual) may include residential, commercial, institutional, educational, civic, religious and transport buildings, urban planning, urban design, landscape architecture, interior architecture etc.

Eligible industrial design projects (manufactured or conceptual) may include furniture, appliances, utensils, accessories, tools, electronics etc.

Programm Results

The results of Europe 40 Under 40® Awards will be announced in spring of 2025 and will be presented as an exhibition together with the Awards Ceremony in December of the same year, at The European Centre-Contemporary Space Athens in Athens, Greece.

How to Apply

In order to apply you need to visit Organization Page. You need to create an account applying all your company information. If you already have created an account please log in with your username and password. All required fields must be filled in. If a required field is left blank the form will be rejected. After a successful application you will receive an email with a unique ID number for your submission, a pre-invoice for your submission and a pdf document with all information in case you choose to pay with bank transfer. All final invoices are sending to all clients periodically after we check all transactions passed through correctly. You can always log in to your account to see passed submissions or download your passed invoices.

Project Categories

Building types and categories are: Airports and Transportation Centers, Bridges and Infrastructure, Building Technology, Cemeteries, Civic Centers, Commercial Buildings, Community Centers, Corporate Buildings, Display/Installations, Energy Buildings, Entertainment, Government Buildings, Hospitals/Medical Centers, Hotels, Industrial, Interiors, Libraries, Mixed Use Buildings, Monuments, Multi-Family Housing, Museums and Cultural Buildings, Office Buildings, Parks and Gardens, Private Homes, Public Space, Religious Buildings, Restaurants/Resorts, Restoration/Renovation, Retail/Showrooms, Schools and Universities, Skyscrapers/High Rises, Social Housing, Sports and Recreation and Urban Planning/Landscape Architecture. Previously awarded buildings are not eligible.

Submission Fee

Application fee is €275 (euro) per entry. In each entry the submitter can participate with 1 to 3 projects.